The next statement will probably start a war :-D
The relationship between evolution and atheism is critical thinking.
While I fully agree with everyone stating that
- accepting the fact of evolution does not mean you automatically reject the existence of God/gods
- believing in God/gods does not mean you must reject evolution
it is my opinion that the ability to critically think about whatever is presented to you and whatever you already believe to be true, and willingness to learn and investigate leads to (amongst other things)
- acceptance of evolution given the huge amount of evidence that supports it
- seeing that the existence of God/gods is not supported by any (objectively verifiable) evidence, and (almost) anything proposed as evidence is either circular reasoning, or can be explained by natural phenomena, and that evidence proves your own God's existence just as much as any other gods' existences.
Does that mean that I think everyone who believes in any god can't or doesn't think critically? No, absolutely not.
I think they may have a blind spot regarding that belief, or they choose not to apply pure logical thinking to that area of life, like all of us do many times with different areas of our life (such as love, that is not really governed by critical thinking).